What is the CFSC?
CFSC stands for Canadian Firearms Safety Course. It is a federally designed safety course, used Canada-wide, and passing this course and related exams are required to apply for a firearms license.
What is the CRFSC?
CRFSC stands for Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course. This course is taken by people who want to own handguns and other restricted firearms. You must have successfully passed the CFSC (see above) to be able to take this course.
Is there a Student Manual available?
Yes, you can buy the combined Student Manual which covers both the CFSC and CRFSC from the Firearms Safety Education Service of Ontario (FSESO) by calling 1-877-322-2345 ext. 102, between 8am and 3pm. More information can be found on their website: https://www.fseso.org/study-manuals
Is there a downloadable version?
Yes, you can download the manual here (http://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/9.801815/publication.html) . You can use your electronic devices to display the manual for use in class, but you are not allowed to record the class for any reason.
Do I need any firearms experience to take the course?
No, the course is designed for everyone, no matter if they have firearm experience or not.
Can I take the exam without the course?
No, the CFSC course is required as a starting point for possessing firearms in Canada.
I'm not 18 yet. Can I still take the CFSC course and exam?
Yes, however your parent or legal guardian must fill in and sign a Minor's Consent Form. Although a person must be 18 or older to possess a firearm, a younger person may apply for a Minor's permit to use firearms under direct supervision of a licensed adult after successfully completing the CFSC and exam.
Note that a person under the age of 18 cannot take the CRFSC exam, but may take the restricted course for educational purposes.
Can I take the CFSC and Exam if I am not a Canadian citizen or resident?
Yes. You do not have to be a Canadian citizen or resident to take the course.
What is the FSESO?
This stands for the Firearms Safety Education Service of Ontario. It is an association of instructors that have been designated by the Chief Firearms Office to teach the CFSC and CRFSC in Ontario. All legitimate instructors must be certified by the FSESO.
Is the CFSC the same as the Hunter Safety Course?
No, each province has their own hunter education/safety course; to hunt with a firearm, you must successfully complete the CFSC and Exam.
What will the exam be like?
The exam is split into written and practical sections. The written portion is a mix of true/false and multiple choice questions. The practical section will require you to physically demonstrate proper safe handling procedures and other applicable material learned in the course. Both sections require 80% or greater to pass.
What happens if I fail?
You do not have to re-take the course, but you must re-take the failed exam, either the written or practical sections.